space|lab & IG Tanz Essen

IG Tanz Essen is an association of freelance artists working in the field of dance, choreography and performance. Since 2017, artists who have a great interest in actively supporting the independent scene have been associating with each other and thus they are helping to shape the dance landscape in Essen. IG Tanz Essen organizes workshops, lectures and festivals. 

For meetings and events, IG Tanz Essen uses the co-working space space|lab. It was created by the company Polymer DMT/ Fang Yun Lo and also houses the office of cultural manager Sabina Stücker. Since 2020, this space has enabled the independent scene to appear much more clearly by developing and realizing formats here. IG Tanz Essen has thus gained visibility and has grown. Kati Masami Menze communicates at the interface between IG Tanz Essen and space|lab and realizes various event series as a producer together with the space|lab team. 

Co-Working Space & Network, 01.10.2020 , @Essen