BORDERLAND Residencies

For Borderland Residencies, Marius Ledwig, Kati Masami Menze, Daria Nazarenko and Nils Levin Sehnert invented a participatory research project called LANDING POINTS situated in the castle of Hamminkeln called Schloß Ringenberg. They initiated a participatory research project called LANDING POINTS, which was located at Schloss Ringenberg in Hamminkeln. In this, they focused on Bruno Latour's term "to become terrestrial". To become terrestrial means to create a common ground - a ground that is not seen as a capital investment for resources, but as a living space. This task can only be accomplished collectively with a multiplicity of voices and actors - human and non-human.

During their stay at Schloss Ringenberg, they have developed a workshop that addressed the local structures of Hamminkeln. The living space with all its entities was considered as the starting point for the resulting practice.

The performative research and first collaboration unfolded in the rooms of the castle. Sometimes the castle was used as a set, sometimes as a place to live, and sometimes as a place for guests. In this intense phase of being with each other, the notion of art grew beyond personal, isolated artistic work and expanded to include the landscape and people with their needs.

Residency, 01.11.2021 – 30.11.2021 , @Schloss Ringenberg


Marius Ledwig

Kati Masami Menze

Daria Nazarenko

Nils Levin Sehnert

supported by

BORDELAND Residencies

Schloss Ringenberg

Kulturraum Niederrhein e.V.